What Are My Employee Rights?

The relationship between the employer and employee is governed by a number of laws to protect the privilege of the working. Whether a job seeker, current employee, or retired employee, the law works to cover all potential situations that may arise from the employer and employee relationship. Employment law governs situations that include discrimination, unpaid wages, workplace safety, and wrongful termination. Although the federal government provides for many employment situations, the state government occasionally has more specific laws.

What Are My Employee Rights In The Workplace?

The U.S. Department of Labor protects employee rights in a number of ways. As an employee, you have certain freedoms within the workplace. However, by agreeing to employment by your employer, you may be agreeing to certain regulations provided by them.

1. Privacy rights

Generally, your employee rights extend to your personal possessions. Handbags, briefcases, and employee storage lockers are private. Meanwhile, your privacy may be limited when it comes to using company internet.

2. Fair compensation

Every employee is entitled to fair compensation under the law for hours worked. If you are not being paid, you can sue your employer for unpaid wages. Certain laws require that employees be compensated for hours worked.

3. No discrimination

Employee rights include freedom from discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination cannot be a part of the hiring, promoting, demoting, or firing process for any employee, especially if based on color, sex, religion, race, age, or national origin. Contact us if you’ve faced any type of discrimination in your workplace.

4. Safe workplace

Your rights as an employee include a safe workplace. The U.S. Department of Labor has set certain regulations in place to guide the safety and health of workplaces. If you suspect that your employee rights to a safe workplace have been violated, contact us.

5. No retaliation

As an employee, you are entitled to pursuing your employee rights under the law by filing a complaint against your employer for employment law violations. In some cases, your employer may retaliate against you. This is illegal and another violation of your employee rights.

6. Reasonable accommodations for disabilities

Employee rights for a worker with a disability provides certain requirements from your employer. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) obligates employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities.

7. Overtime wages for eligible employees*

Although not all employees are eligible for overtime, overtime wages are part of the rights for employees. Employees must meet specific salary and duty requirements to be eligible. However, if you are eligible, you should be receiving overtime wages for every hour worked over a 40-hour workweek.

8. Unpaid, job-protected leave for medical reasons*

Not all employees are eligible for FMLA leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act provides particular requirements to determine if an employee is eligible for this employee right. Those who are eligible can receive up to 12 unpaid workweeks of leave.

*Although considered employee rights, employees must meet certain requirements to have access to these employee rights.

What Do I Do If My Employee Rights Have Been Violated?

Throughout the USA, job workers are entitled to certain employee rights. No matter whether you’re a job seeker or a retired employee, the U.S. Department of Labor set out certain laws to protect your rights.

If your employee rights have been violated, contact us.

Don’t hesitate, talk to an employment attorney: (412) 626-5626 or lawyer@lawkm.com.