Employers who advance money to employees either through a special request or an Employee Payback Agreement (EPA) become a type of banker for their employees. This can place strain on the employment relationship as well as create accounting nightmares and liability problems. Federal law does not require employers to provide… read more →
On a federal level, vacation time and paid time off (PTO) are not mandatory. While laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) regulate minimum wage and work leaves, no federal law provides for guidelines for paid vacation. Therefore, employers can… read more →
The relationship between the employer and employee is governed by a number of laws to protect the privilege of the working. Whether a job seeker, current employee, or retired employee, the law works to cover all potential situations that may arise from the employer and employee relationship. Employment law governs… read more →
An independent contractor is an individual who provides some sort of service for another person but differs from an employee. Independent contractors, unlike employees, do not work regularly for an employer and are not subject to the same control that an employee is. It is important to know whether an… read more →
In today’s economy, many employees end up working well over 40 hours per week. Most of the time, the Employee receives what is known as “overtime.” Overtime is usually equivalent to 1.5 or 2 times the employee’s hourly wage. However, there are some situations where the employee is not paid… read more →