King of Prussia: The Department of Labor

Project Description

King of Prussia:

The Department of Labor

The DOL King of Prussia area falls under the administration of the Philadelphia DOL area office because the U.S. Department of Labor created a chain of command for dealing with the size of the United States. Moreover, every DOL office strives to protect the safety and health of workers, to enhance work-related benefits, to improve job environments, and to maximize profitable employment. Finally, every office educates employers and employees on the DOL law as well as investigates filed complaints.

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What Does The Department of Labor Do?

The Department of Labor manages an extensive number of responsibilities specifically dealing with the welfare of workers within the United States. Consequently, the highest purpose of any DOL office is to educate all workers and workplaces on DOL law and to investigate any filed complaints. While upholding these purposes, the Department of Labor supervises many boards, agencies, and administrations created with the goal of adhering to the law.

With more than twenty-five agencies and boards, the Department of Labor specifies certain specializations for each group pertaining to employee rights. Listed below are some of the most widely known agencies.

What Does A DOL Office Do?

The DOL King of Prussia area reports to the DOL Philadelphia office, which regulates incoming complaints and questions about the health and safety of workers. While the Department of Labor covers many employee rights, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) supports the purposes of DOL by providing complaint investigation and on-site consultations for employers.

Moreover, a DOL office endeavors to be a resource to employees and employers alike, providing the below aids and others.

  • Offers aid in filing a DOL complaint
  • Shares OSHA educational information
  • Processes investigations of complaints
  • Answers questions about OSHA requirements


If your employer violated your employee rights, contact a DOL King of Prussia lawyer because a lawyer knows how to navigate the DOL and your rights under the law.
Don’t hesitate, talk to an attorney: (412) 626-5626 or

Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC “KM&A” is a law firm serving all of Pennsylvania with our principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Call KM&A in western Pennsylvania at 412-626-5626 or in eastern Pennsylvania at 215-618-9185. KM&A can be reached by email at


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