LLC Lawyers

Project Description

LLC Lawyers

LLC lawyers specialize in law that deals with limited liability companies (LLC). A limited liability company is a business created under state law with characteristics of a corporation and a partnership. The role of the LLC lawyer includes protecting his or her client under law while dealing with government, the public, and inner-company hierarchy by creating lawful company structure, drawing up operating agreements, and dealing with lawsuits.

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What Do LLC Lawyers Do?

If you owned a beach, wouldn’t you want to plan ahead for sunny tourist season and crazy hurricane season? Both can be temperamental. You’d still do everything you knew to do to provide for both situations, especially hiring an individual who’s worked the beach circuit before. Why wouldn’t you do the same for your start-up LLC?

In an age where we pride ourselves in our do-it-yourself abilities, often the savvy move is actually delegating specialized tasks to an experienced and knowledgeable individual.

LLC lawyers focus their expertise on the set up and structure of your LLC. A new company deals with a lot of tasks such as the process of incorporation and forming a business entity, negotiating contracts, establishing terms of services, hiring employees, and raising finances. A LLC attorney smooths and simplifies many of these tasks.

However, the most crucial task that a LLC lawyer can do for you is create the operating agreement. This document instructs the owners of the LLC how to interact with various parts of the business, who can sell out their part of the company, and what to do in the event of losing or gaining profit. The operating agreement is vital to the well-being of your company.

The job of a LLC lawyer is to keep you and your business from being blindsided by a nasty legal surprise or problem.

How Can A LLC Lawyer Help?

Although consulting a LLC lawyer may be all you want to do, remember a LLC attorney can do everything, from customizing your business structure to drawing up your operating agreement, for you in relation to starting an LLC. However, if you’re not certain that the LLC is for your business, a LLC lawyer can counsel you on the pros and cons of an LLC.

A LLC Lawyer Offers Advice

These days, many people choose to do a lot of the work themselves. In fact, you might choose to consult an attorney while doing the hands-on work yourself. The following areas include items that you could do with the help of an attorney.

  • securing a business name and trademark
  • settling the legal structure for the business
  • filing and registering business paperwork
  • drafting contracts and on-disclosure agreements
  • creating buy-sell agreements

A LLC Lawyer Works For You

On the surface most of the below items seem like simple processes; however, each is complex, especially as more people are involved. Most of the below require a thorough knowledge of the law and tax requirements.

A LLC lawyer will know about…

  • creating a smart operating agreement
    • providing for high and low profit periods
    • regulating how operating agreement members interact
  • forming the LLC
    • registering the company with the state
    • selecting tax status
  • dealing with any lawsuits
    • handling lawsuits from employees
    • navigating government investigations
    • representing your business during discrimination or harassment lawsuits
  • buying or selling a business
    • negotiating lease agreements
    • organizing sales agreements

When dealing with LLC requirements and safe-guarding your business rights under the law, you want a LLC lawyer who is not only competent but responsive and experienced in the law.

Who Does A LLC Lawyer Represent?

Generally, a LLC lawyer can be hired to represent the LLC itself or a single member of the LLC. Also, a third party might choose to consult with a LLC lawyer.


When a LLC attorney represents the LLC, the attorney does not work on the behalf of one member of the LLC. Rather, the attorney focuses on the “greater good” for the entire company.

An LLC Member

However, when a LLC lawyer represents a member of the LLC during a dispute, the attorney works to find the most favorable outcome for his or her client under the law and the operating agreement.


If you have a limited liability company or are planning to start an LLC, contact a LLC lawyer who will know how to protect your business and your rights under the law.

Don’t hesitate, talk to a LLC attorney: (412) 626-5626 or

Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC “KM&A” is a law firm serving all of Pennsylvania with our principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Call KM&A in western Pennsylvania at 412-626-5626 or in eastern Pennsylvania at 215-618-9185. KM&A can be reached by email at

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