Corporate Lawyers

Project Description

Corporate Lawyers

The purpose of a corporate lawyer is to ensure commercial transactions are legal, to advise corporations on their responsibilities and privileges, and to negotiate mutually rewarding deals for the client.

Corporate law is team-oriented. The business process can be a long, drawn out ordeal. Flexibility and a service focus are important factors in facilitating a deal.

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Business transactions require paperwork to be up to par according to local, state, and federal law. The attorneys at KM&A understand the role of the corporate lawyer is to have an extensive knowledge of law, a good sense of teamwork, and excellent communication skills. Corporate law requires corporate attorneys to be avid researchers in all aspects of the law pertaining to a client’s needs.

A corporate attorney must have outstanding negotiation and communication skills along with an excellent academic background and a detail-oriented work drive. Interaction at this level of the law is not adversarial but more about working together to find the best solution for all parties.

What Should A Corporate Lawyer Know?

A corporate lawyer needs to have an in-depth knowledge of many aspects of the law relating to business so they can

best serve a client. They also need to be aware of the current trends and legislative developments. A corporate attorney must be knowledgeable in the below list.

  • business law
  • contract law
  • securities law
  • basic accounting
  • zoning law
  • licensing
  • stock exchange

What Will A Corporation Lawyer Do For My Business?

Every corporate transaction is different. Factors that alter transactions are the type of industry, single or multi-market businesses, and the business size. Corporate lawyers will deal with general corporate matters as well, including company mergers and acquisitions, investor rights, articles of association, meetings, secretarial duties, corporate restructuring, and the public listing or delisting of the business.

However, the most important task a corporation lawyer can do for your business is draft corporate bylaws for your business that regulate the day-to-day operations. The corporate bylaws outline many aspects of corporation business including how corporate officers should interact, how decisions should be processed, how the board of directors delegates, how often to report various aspects of the corporation, and much more. Undoubtedly, having this important document created by a knowledgeable lawyer will help when disputes or complaints arise as your corporation gains or loses money.

Clients for corporate lawyers fluctuate. And yet, clients generally include multinational businesses, investment banks, and privately-held companies. Other clients can be small and medium scale businesses, regulatory bodies and governments. At KM&A, we are eager to serve your business, negotiate on your behalf, and close on a deal best for your business.

Most importantly, corporate lawyers ensure that the corporate deal does not conflict with the law, regardless of whether it is local, state, or federal law.


Call Kraemer, Manes & Associates

If you have a corporation or are planning negotiate a deal with another business, contact a corporation lawyer who will know how to communicate on behalf of your business and protect your rights under the law.

Don’t hesitate, talk to a corporation attorney: (412) 626-5626 or

Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC “KM&A” is a law firm serving all of Pennsylvania with our principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Call KM&A in western Pennsylvania at 412-626-5626 or in eastern Pennsylvania at 215-618-9185. KM&A can be reached by email at

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