Form a Limited Liability Company

Protect yourself by forming a limited liability company (LLC).

A limited liability company (LLC) is a legal entity that serves as a liability shield and a professional face for your business. There are three huge reasons why business owners set up using an LLC:

  1. Liability protection – make sure your personal assets are protected from exposure
  2. Tax advantages – avoid paying the IRS more than you have to with the right setup
  3. Professionalism – project an established, polished image for your business

Complete the form below now for a free legal consultation:


Partnership Agreement


Call now to speak with a small business attorney: (412) 626-5626

When you go through the process of forming an LLC with an attorney, you have to consider dozens of factors. A good small business attorney knows the right questions to ask to protect you and your business from trouble.

Example questions answered when forming an LLC:

  • What will happen if a partner dies or becomes disabled?
  • Who will have the right to buy or sell equity in the business?
  • Can one partner ever be forced out by the others?
  • What protections will keep the minority owners from being oppressed by the majority?

Avoid making these mistakes:

  • Don’t operate a business without legal protection (such as an LLC)
  • Don’t mess up the liability shield of your business with improper formation
  • Don’t try to set up the legal side of the business yourself or with a cheap online service

Almost every business should be set up with a formal legal entity like a limited liability company. Make sure you are protected and set up by a professional. Talk to a small business attorney today.

Call an attorney at

(412) 626-5626

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