PA Disability Attorneys

Project Description

PA Disability Attorneys

PA disability attorneys advocate for individuals with disabilities who desire to claim disability insurance. A PA disability lawyer helps you to file for a disability claim, creates a plan for pursuing Social Security benefits, and negotiates for reasonable accommodation.

If you plan to claim Social Security disability benefits or sue your employer for disability discriminationcontact us.

Call Philadelphia at
(412) 626-5626
Call Philadelphia at
(215) 618-9185
Email KM&A at

What Is A Work Disability?

Workplace law provides two categories of disabilities. However, the range of disability variations is gigantic. Categorizing a disability correctly provides a special type of difficulty. And still, the law has carved out two categories for disabilities.

Employable Work Disability

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA) define work disabilities that are employable. Naturally, these disabilities are often less severe than the next category. ADA and PHRA work together to provide certain protections to working individuals with disabilities.

Work disability according to ADA and PHRA.

A work disability is a physical or mental impairment that limits a major daily life activity such as breathing or walking.

ADA and PHRA further provide for any employee with a history of disability or of being perceived as disabled by an employer. If your disability fits under the definition provided by ADA and PHRA, you are protected from employment discrimination and you may request reasonable accommodation from your employer.

Unemployable Work Disability

This category represents the most serious disabilities. Individuals in this category are unable to work. When a claim is made for Social Security Administration benefits due to severe disability, the Social Security Administration (SSA) scrutinizes the claim. The SSA wants to ensure that those receiving SSA benefits meet the appropriate regulations.

Work disability according to SSA.

Work disability is severe physical or mental impairment that results in marked limitations, preventing an individual from gainful employment, and is expected to last long-term, potentially concluding in death.

PA disability attorneys know your rights under the law for workplaces and disabilities. Of course, fighting for your rights under the law can be an uphill battle. Consider contacting a lawyer for legal advice.

Six Ways PA Disability Lawyers Can Help You

A PA disability lawyer outlines the legal process. He or she helps you every step of the way, from filing a claim for Social Security to dealing with a dismissed claim. Since your disability attorneys knows the qualifications, he or she knows if you have a case for the court.

Review Hearing Questions

Your PA disability lawyer knows the types of questions that will be directed you during the hearing. He or she prepares you ahead of time. Here are a few sample questions you may be asked.

  • What treatments have you tried?
  • Are you able to care for yourself? Personal hygiene? Shopping? Cooking?
  • What’s your highest educational degree?

Gather Medical Records

After allowing your lawyer to request your medical records with a limited medical release form, your PA disability lawyer collects your medical information from all previous healthcare providers. Occasionally, your lawyer may even receive a statement from the doctor supporting your case for disability. Additional medical examinations may be necessary to meet SSA standards.

Manage Bad Facts

Most disability claims for Social Security benefits include certain details that might hinder your claim. Your lawyer knows how to use this information to support your request for benefits.

Handle The Vocational Expert

During the hearing, a vocational expert tries to prove that you can be employed. Your lawyer interacts with the vocational expert and works to disprove any information they offer to dismiss your Social Security benefits claim.

Argue For Your Social Security Claim

Your PA disability lawyer develops a detailed theory of why you are eligible for SSDI. Your lawyer has three specific options for proving your case. Each of these options are provided by the SSA for outlining disability requirements.

  • disability “listing”
  • “less than sedentary” exertion level
  • SSA’s grid

Navigate the Hearing Process

Your PA disability attorney knows the hearing process backwards, forwards, upside down, and inside out. He or she prepares you for the schedule. Moreover, your PA disability attorney advocates for your benefit during the actual hearing.

If you’re still wondering what is a qualifying disability for social security disability purposes, contact us.

Don’t hesitate, talk to a PA disability attorney: (412) 626-5626 or

Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC “KM&A” is a law firm serving all of Pennsylvania with our principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Call KM&A in western Pennsylvania at 412-626-5626 or in eastern Pennsylvania at 215-618-9185. KM&A can be reached by email at


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