DOL Erie

Project Description

Erie: The Department of Labor

The DOL Erie field office supports the mission and work of the U.S. Department of Labor throughout Erie and the surrounding area. In addition, DOL Erie focuses on protecting the safety and health of workers, regardless of employment status. As a result, each office includes goals focused on enhancing job environment, providing work-related benefits, and maximizing profitable employment.

While the DOL Erie office reports to the DOL Pittsburgh office, every DOL office strives to uphold the vision of the Department of Labor by investigating complaints and educating employers and employees on the DOL law.

If you have a situation that comes under the jurisdiction of DOL Erie, talk to a lawyer at 814-806-1200 because he or she can offer you options for dealing with unlawful employment actions.

Call Pittsburgh at
(412) 626-5626
Call Philadelphia at
(215) 618-9185
Email KM&A at

What Does The Department of Labor Do?

Due to the scope of the Department of Labor, this federal agency has many responsibilities pertaining to the well-being of employees throughout the United States. Of course, the DOL also manages complaint investigation and DOL law education for employers and employees. Meanwhile, the Department of Labor oversees a number of boards, agencies, and administrations that act as the hands and feet of the law.

Consisting of more than twenty-five administrations and agencies, each group specializes in a certain area of employee rights. A few boards are listed below.

If you have any questions about the Department of Labor due to employment discrimination or some other negative employment action, contact us.

What Does The Erie DOL Office Do?

The DOL Erie area office manages questions and complaints dealing with the health and safety of workers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) represents the vision and goals of DOL, also offering employee complaint investigation and on-site OSHA consultation for business owners. The Erie DOL office is a resource for both employers and employees.

The DOL Erie area office does the following and more.

  • Offers aid in filing a DOL complaint
  • Shares OSHA educational information
  • Processes investigations of complaints
  • Answers questions about OSHA requirements

In conclusion, the DOL Erie area office advocates the goals of the U.S. Department of Labor and its administrations throughout its jurisdictional area.

If your employee rights have been violated, contact a lawyer because he or she will know how to navigate the DOL and your rights under the law.
Don’t hesitate, rather talk to an attorney: 814-806-1200 or

Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC “KM&A” is a law firm serving all of Pennsylvania with our principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Call KM&A in western Pennsylvania at 412-626-5626 or in eastern Pennsylvania at 215-618-9185. KM&A can be reached by email at


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