Civil Rights Lawyers

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Civil Rights Lawyers

Civil rights lawyers go head to head with civil right violations. A Pennsylvania civil rights lawyer advocates for men and women who have suffered discrimination based on a protected class status. Although a lawsuit might not change the existence of ongoing injustice or violation of civil rights, a lawsuit might be a step to altering the legislation in the United States, providing better protection to all Americans. Civil rights attorney challenge injustice and demand remedies, whether financial or otherwise.

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What Are Civil Rights?

Every American citizen receives certain rights from the United States government. When these rights are violated in some way, a civil rights lawyer can provide legal options and guidance. The following list are the civil rights available to Americans.

  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of assembly
  • Right to petition the government
  • Right to procedural due process
  • Freedom from discrimination for protected classes

When And Why To Hire A Civil Law Attorney

When someone is suing you or you plan to sue someone, that’s the time to hire a civil law attorney. When formulating the points of a case, a civil lawyer recognizes whether your situation will be supported by the law. The violation of civil rights or mistreatment due to discrimination, whether for gender, race, disability, religions, or age, should prompt you to consult a lawyer.

Common Injustices

  • Cruel and unusual punishment
  • Abuse by a public official
  • Unreasonable searches and seizures
  • Job loss due to discrimination

Meanwhile, civil rights are complex, adding to the difficulty of pursuing your lawful right. A civil rights lawyer understands what next steps need to be taken while defending your rights.

What Does A PA Civil Law Attorney Do For My Case?

A civil law attorney manages all the details of your case, building the testimonial evidence through research and dealing with the legal counsel from the opposing party. Your civil lawyer handles the paperwork that accompanies filing a lawsuit and subsequent requirements. In legal decisions, your civil lawyer helps you to make the best decision for your situation.

Since civil rights cases often include complicated law, sometimes a lawsuit can be a long process. Civil rights case rarely changes the rules in an organization, but sometimes it can. Usually, a civil rights lawsuit focuses on recovering the financial damages experienced due to the violation of your rights.

Civil Rights Attorneys’ task list

  • Interview you and other witnesses
  • Accumulate testimonial evidence
  • Correspond with opposing party’s lawyers
  • File court documents, brief, and motions
  • Strategize a discovery plan
  • Obtain expert witnesses for technical or medical issues
  • Negotiate best settlement
  • Present the case in the courtroom

Please don’t allow the threats of anyone to keep you from pursuing your civil freedoms. Contact a civil rights lawyer. Don’t hesitate, talk to a civil rights attorney: (412) 626-5626 or

KM&A is a law firm serving all of Pennsylvania with our principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Call KM&A in western Pennsylvania at 412-626-5626 or in eastern Pennsylvania at 215-618-9185. KM&A can be reached by email at

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