Filing a USERRA complaint is not difficult. However, the law sometimes chooses to be more confusing than it needs to be. We’re here to help unscramble your rights under the law. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) commits to protect military service members from discrimination in the… read more →
The United States protects workers with a disability from discrimination, including securing the rights of any veteran who has sustained a permanent injury or disability from his or her service. Therefore, a number of laws provide for the veteran. We will go into the laws below. What Laws Protect A Disabled Veteran From Employment… read more →
Report sexual harassment. It’s as simple as that. According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, job applicants and employees are protected under law from harassment in the workplace. Unwelcome advances, requested sexual favors, verbal and/or physical harassment define sexual harassment. Derogatory comments about a person’s gender is harassment. And harassment can be… read more →
To prove sexual harassment at work, there are some steps you can take on your own. However, keep in mind that many of these cases come to an impasse when it’s one person’s word against the other. Steer clear of this situation by contacting an employment lawyer early on. Sexual… read more →
Being fired from a job is disheartening, but it’s worse if you may have been fired illegally. It is usually quite disorienting, frustrating, and sad. However, there are cases where the firing was against the law. In those cases, the firing is called wrongful termination. When you’ve been wrongfully terminated,… read more →
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides that employers make reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities. These accommodations must be made for job applicants as well as current employees. The key is that the individual with disabilities is qualified for the position and able to do the essential functions of their… read more →
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not protect those with an addiction to illegal drugs. Illegal use of drugs is grounds for denying employment or firing from employment. Employers may also test their applicants or employees for illegal substance use. ADA recognizes substance abuse as alcohol or drugs. Someone participating… read more →
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 protects the rights of those with disabilities, who are employed or looking for employment, from workplace discrimination. This law defines “disability” in a few specific ways. You are protected by ADA if you meet the definition of disability as defined by the… read more →
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prevents employment discrimination in three specific ways. The EEOC provides investigation into discrimination complaints, education to prevent discrimination, and guidance to the federal government on all aspects of equal employment. The vision of the EEOC is to see justice and equality in the workplace.… read more →
We’ve talked about Unemployment Willful Misconduct around here before so today we’ll look at some practical ways to be prepared for your unemployment appeal. There are both simple steps that you can take individually as well as a few critical steps that will further your case. Let’s start with definitions.… read more →